Starting a blog and releasing a post is a bit like throwing a stone into the bush. You never really know if you’ve hit anything.
Until some angry farmer with a head wound comes striding out, threatening you with a very large stick!!
Hopefully this won’t be the case with this blog.
This blog is dedicated to informing and educating you on various aspects Irish culture that you mightn’t usually come across. My hope is that it helps you to access Irish culture in a more personal and relevant way. I post once a week (on Mondays) and usually on the following topics:
- Folklore: Irish folklore and/or mythology
- Stories: Stories from Irish history and mythology
- Mise (Me): Occasional commentary on how I use Irish history and culture in my writing
- Updates – an occasional update on what I’m writing
Fáilte romhat go dtí Irish Imbas Books. Tá súil agam go baineann tú taitneamh as do cuairt anseo.