There’s a lot of fantasy out there when it comes to women warriors, particularly where it relates back to those in the Irish or Celtic realm. To be fair, the subject is hardly a new one. Since the development of literature itself, writers and readers have been enamoured by tales of fighting women (particularly Herodotus… Read more »
Entering the Irish Otherworld (Irish Mythology)
ENTERING THE IRISH OTHERWORLD I went to explore one of the more famous entrances to the Irish Otherworld yesterday. A fascinating experience I’ll be using at some stage in one of my books. Expect a post on this in the newsletter.
Judges’ Submission Tips From the 2015 Celtic Mythology Short Story Competition
In September 2015, we initiated our inaugural Celtic Mythology Short Story Competition. At the time, the plan was to publish a compilation that included the best of the submitted stories but also some explanatory commentary (in terms of the mythology/folklore aspects covered in the stories). This was, we figured, an effective means, not only of… Read more »
The Celtic Mythology Short Story Collection 2016
It gives us immense pleasure to announce the launch of the 2016 IRISH IMBAS CELTIC MYTHOLOGY SHORT STORY COMPETITION . Submissions will be accepted for this competition from 1 September 2016 to 10 December 2016. This is the second year that we’re holding this competition and we’re coming into it a little wiser, a little… Read more »
What Ireland Looks Like as a Woman
Like many other Western countries, poets, politicians and artists in Ireland also fell into the trap of trying to personify their nation, that is, trying to characterise the concept of the country as a person, usually a beautiful young woman. Such personifications are mostly restricted to the western world and were most popular in the… Read more »
A Visual Representation of Irish Prehistory and Mythology
When you mention the word ‘prehistoric’ to people, most of them immediately conjure up images of Neanderthals walking around, scratching their arses and dragging huge heavy clubs on the ground behind them. What ‘prehistoric’ actually refers to though, is that period of time before which historical records were maintained. In a sense, you can think… Read more »
Winners of the Celtic Mythology Short Story Competition (2015-2016)
Irish Imbas Books are pleased to announce the winners of the 2015-2016 Celtic Mythology Short Story Competition. These are: First prize ($500): Sighle Meehan for ‘Hawthorne Close‘ Second Prize ($250): Sheelagh Russell Brown for ‘A Mainland Mansie Meur‘ Third Prize ($100): Marc McEntegart for ‘In a Small Pond‘ All three stories will appear in the… Read more »