Over the years, I’ve been lucky with some very generous reviews of my books but I’ve only recently realised that I’ve reached something of a peak with ‘Liath Luachra: The Great Wild’.
This book is currently sitting with a five star rating on Goodreads … because every review of the book has given it a five star rating!

That’s not something I’ve ever achieved before and although I know it can’t possibly last, the fact that its reached this point with no launch activity to speak of, and very limited advertising, is quite astounding in itself.
As always, a huge thanks to those of you who’ve made the effort to write a review.
Míle buíochas daoibh!

You can find the Goodreads reviews page HERE
I heartily agree with the reviews. your knowledge and growth as a writer through the two series have brought you to an intense and haunting story. And there isn’t any fantasy. The voices are all in her head, like the ones in ours. Maybe a little louder perhaps.